Field Notes (Summer 2016/2017)
BIRDS We have lots of avian visitors from sulfur crested cockatoos to fairy wrens to magpies to…
making ways of living differently in the big city on 1018 square metres of rented land
BIRDS We have lots of avian visitors from sulfur crested cockatoos to fairy wrens to magpies to…
Jeffrey Hou recently gave a talk at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich entitled ‘Urban Gardening as Insurgent Placemaking’. It…
If we didn’t already have enough sepos* at the farm, with representations from both sides of the…
Since the inaugural busy bee things have been a little bit quiet on the farm, largely because…
The Farm has been located, the lease has been signed, and now more than half our stuff…
Earlwood Farm is the lovechild of Craig Johnson and Jennifer Hamilton. We are embarking on a life…